A Buddhist Podcast – Part 2 – On Attaining Buddhahood

July 12th, 2007

Welcome to another show! In this show we look at the second half of On Attaining Buddhahood, which includes:

  • For what reason do we live out our lives?
  • There are not two lands, pure and impure in themselves
  • Isn’t the weather miserable?
  • The schisms of ism’s
  • Polishing our mirror
  • Revealing the gleaming motorcycle within
  • Chanting in the morning
  • Myoho-renge-kyo
  • Apple Tree Sutra
  • Mastering our minds
  • Teachers

Tonights show also includes an obituary of Shin Yatomi ), written by Donna Parten and read by Karen and Vittoria Conn. We would like to express our deepest condolences to his wife Carolyn and his family and to all who knew and loved him.
Tonight we have music from The SGI-UK Glorious Life Choir who sing “For the sake of Peace”. This is a great song written by Cory Josias, Veronica Turner, Malcolm Connell, Alex Golding and Howard Jones. We also play music from the Podsafe Music Network. We play β€˜Turnaround’ by Vitttoria Conn! Our thanks to Jessica Miller for the wonderful artwork, our lives touching the fabric of life.
Thank you for listening!
If you have a question or an experience you would like to send us, write to karen(at)thejarretts.com or jason(at)thejarretts.com
If you get a moment, and you would like to, we would really appreciate it if you could write us a review on ITunes. Have a great week!


  1. Hello!!

    Wonderful that you said hello to me online… very exciting (although I was a bit shocked!…hahaha).

    I truly love your podcast and will listen more often and continue to pass it on. It’s great “easy listening”.

    All the best!

    Your friend in faith,


    Comment by Trizana — July 12, 2007 @ 9:27 pm

  2. TEA, did Jason say TEA? I know how you enjoy a good cup! But TEA here stands for Teach, Entertain and Arrive. So a quick look at what I mean. Nichiren teaches us through the wonderful Gosho, and then we have President Ikeda who does that as well; and he makes us sit up (Entertain) and enjoy what he has to say to us. What inspiring poetry he writes! Lastly, Arrive. That is what you do when you do great human revolution; so a big thank you to all of you that use this site and gain benefit from it. And the great thing is that the journey to arrive at Kosen-rufu starts now with your vow to go for it.

    Comment by Peter de Groot — July 18, 2007 @ 2:58 pm

  3. I just have to compliment you on the sound quality you achieved with the choral music CD. It is so difficult to transmit choral music so that the lyrics can be understood. I burned a CD of this podcast and played it on my good sound system and it filled the room with not just exquisite emotion-filled voices but clear lyrics that moved me to tears. I listened to it again on several different sound systems and the clarity depends (obviously) on each system. How wonderful that the quality of your podcast sound is so good that one of my systems picks up the singing so perfectly, I could be standing in the room with the vocalists. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to hear the SGI-UK singers and for doing such a good job of it!

    Comment by Donna — July 24, 2007 @ 1:35 am

  4. I just have to compliment you on the sound quality you achieved with the choral music CD. It is so difficult to transmit choral music so that the lyrics can be understood. I burned a CD of this podcast and played it on my good sound system and it filled the room with not just exquisite emotion-filled voices but clear lyrics that moved me to tears. I listened to it again on several different sound systems and the clarity depends (obviously) on each system. How wonderful that the quality of your podcast sound is so good that one of my systems picks up the singing so perfectly, I could be standing in the room with the vocalists. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to hear the SGI-UK singers and for doing such a good job of it!

    Comment by Donna — July 24, 2007 @ 1:35 am

  5. This is a great episode! We’ve listened to it several times already, fantastic job to you all! And thanks for including us in the shout outs, what fun that was to hear! πŸ™‚ ~mimi and nate~

    Comment by Mimi — July 26, 2007 @ 2:07 pm

  6. Jason one of my biggest challenges has been actually getting out of bed to do Daimoku. I have 2 little kids and work full time. I love everything in the podcast but I have to say a special thank you for the practical discussion about how to actually get up in the morning and DO my assiduous practice . . . and the rationale for why it makes such a difference. I haven’t recorded my own voice but (funny how it takes someone else to point out the obvious) it never occurred to me to set more than one clock. Thinking about having a green light day as I stumbled around the room looking for the second clock was the one thing that kept me from crawling back into bed. THANK YOU!!!

    Comment by Elle — September 5, 2007 @ 11:19 am

  7. Hi Jason and Karen,
    Thanks so much for your amazing couple of lectures on Attaining Buddhahood.
    I have been listening to them in preparation for doing lilac on my upcoming Central England UK Course (starting tomorrow!!).
    They are amazingly inspiring.
    What great cause you are placing in your lifes!
    All the best.
    YW District Leader
    Stratford-Leamington District. UK

    Comment by Nivi — September 14, 2007 @ 1:32 am

  8. Hello Jason and Karen, thank you both for conducting these podcasts. I find them encouraging, insightful and presented with clarity. As a member of SGI-USA, I would like to start up a podcast, but don;t know how to do it. Let me know what think.

    Thanks again.



    Comment by Andrew McKenzie — March 1, 2008 @ 7:19 pm

  9. Hi Jason and Karen,

    I just listened to this again this morning (Saturday morning, 14th November 2015). I great antidote to the events last night in Paris and reminder of why every moment matters.

    I hope Canada is treating you well.

    Love, Saulx

    Comment by Saul — November 14, 2015 @ 2:24 am

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