A Buddhist Podcast – The Reluctant Buddhist – Chapter 1 – Part 1

September 9th, 2008

Tonight we are very pleased to have William Woollard back on the show. William reads the first half of Chapter 1 from his book, The Reluctant Buddhist. We have shoutouts that span the globe and a great poem from Bob Kemp from Bournemouth in the UK. Thank you so much to William Wey who provided the artwork for this weeks show! Tonights music comes from the Podsafe Music Network. We play White Feather by Phil Ayoub and Inside of Me by The Ivy League. Thank you for listening and for the wonderful comments and kind emails. Your support is really welcomed, have a great week.


  1. Hello Jason, Karen and family!

    Thank you, once again, and also to William, for yet another gift of 51 minutes and 43 seconds of inspiration, love, kindness, and shout-outs! We cannot wait for the next part of Chapter 1, and the ‘Beetle In A Matchbox’ poem was absolutely fantastic!

    I hope you have a great week, a safe journey to and from Belfast, and all is and stays well with you and your family.

    Thank you again from the Northfield District-but not-The Northfield District 🙂


    Comment by seedoubleyou — September 10, 2008 @ 11:03 am

  2. Guys,

    You’re great! I really love your show and what a great surprise to have another instalment of the Reluctant Buddhist… William is a great story teller both in word and voice. I also loved the Beetle poem, but what really makes the show for me is the intimacy you convey, it is as if I was sitting with you and I catch myself smiling every once in a while when you have a little bit of banter – Karen lass Jason ruhig lachen, am Ende wissen du und ich das dein Deutsch viel besser ist als seins auch wenn man sich ab und zu mal verwechselt… I know I now teach French and German at school and it’s not always easy to say the right thing in the right language 🙂

    All the best, and THANK YOU for another great show, and Thanks also to William!

    all the best,


    Comment by Timothy Hilgenberg — September 12, 2008 @ 5:30 pm

  3. Hi Jason and Karen

    Fantastic podcast! It has changed my life (for the better) I will send you my experience soon when I get time to sit down and but some thought into it. Thank you so much.


    Comment by Adrian Murphy — September 13, 2008 @ 2:57 pm

  4. Hi Karen and Jason,

    Thank you so much for this podcast!
    My name is Mariko Jacinto. I’m a mother of 5 children.

    I’ve been practicing for 25 yrs. in the Phil. and once in awhile I get to visit SGI NY where my daughter and son practice.
    My “friend” who is a Christian has read “Buddha in your Mirror” and has attended meetings but is now listening to Allan Watts, a British philosopher of eastern teaching which he downloaded. He has not joined SGI yet. I don’t want to force him as I am coming to strong and impatient.
    He asked me to listen to it and I found Allan Watts truly interesting to listen to.
    And when I heard William Woollard, I was impressed with his voice. He sounded quite like Allan Watts.
    Pls. let William know about this and if he can listen to Allan Watts interpretation of Buddhism and do something like that based on Nichiren Daishonin’s teaching. I would rather that my friend listen to an SGI interpretation of Buddhism.
    Thank you for featuring him on this podacast.
    I hope William can come up more in your podcast.
    Thank you,


    Comment by mariko Jacinto — September 18, 2008 @ 7:36 am

  5. Dear Jason & Karen, William’s chapter two was fascinating, but chapter one brought me so much elation, an avalanche of insights, I was already flying, and then you did a shout-out for me (brilliant pronunciation, Jason) and I felt so warm inside. Thank you so much for what you’re doing. I’m not reluctant, just bewildered, but I’m on the road, thanks to you. Love from Revnice, Graham

    Comment by Graham Rust — September 30, 2008 @ 8:01 pm

  6. Hi,

    I was reccomended this site by a SGI-UK member, I like listening to audio and what I hear so far I am enjoying the direction it is giving me. I have known a friend from NJ-USA who has been practicing for over 20 years and I myself have finally took up the practice Ma-USA. I find myself going around and around with my suffering and not very happy.

    I had a bad divorce 12 years ago and business loss, I attempted suicide thankfull I was unsuccessful. I wrote a program abouit Suicide Awareness and prevention but have not put it unto good use to help my fellow human beings. I am in real estat over 20 years and I know in my heart I survived for a reason to forfill a mission.

    My daughter 17 years old was involved on a bad car accident and sustained a serious head Injury which brought allot of suufering, she is strong and had come back allot , although there are issues she is progressing nicely.

    I myself went into a tail spin in mArch of 08 and still struggling and some depression has snuck back into mylife and I never thought I would think of hurting myself again and I have not attempted but started to think it would be easier, very unhappy not putting my program in practice and my job is filling bank orders now and it is stiffiling.

    My friend found me a District leader and I am attending meetings and chanting although I do not feel allot of changes I think I am on the right path to freedom even with obstacles in life that will always occur.. He is a good leader and when I told him about my thoughts and I kept saying I amnot depressed he said you are if your talking about hurting yourself and to seek help.

    I guess you need to go full circle in life to understand what happen to me 12 years ago and understand life changes can bring anyone back. So I got some medication and continue to chant, as my leader said if we had cancer we would go to the dr and chant for the right Dr.

    Never thought I would be my own example again towards my program but I know and feel I have a purpose to fill and to live my dharma.

    I willl continue to listen and finding allot of direct ways to deal with life and keep on chanting

    Sincerely Dan

    Comment by Dan Pelly — October 3, 2008 @ 2:54 pm

  7. Do you have the words to a poem by Bob Kemp that was aired on 10/19/08? I think it is called the wall and is about a beetle in a matchbox. I thought it was so lovely it stopped me in my tracks and wanted to share it with another buddhist friend. The 1st part of Chapter 1 was so interesting, I am going to listen to the second part right now!

    Comment by alisa — July 19, 2013 @ 5:19 am

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