A Buddhist Podcast – On The Buddha’s Prophecy

December 25th, 2008

Another full show!

Tonights lecture is on Nichiren Daishonin’s teaching called, On The Buddha’s Prophecy. The lecture is about the purpose of Buddhist practice. Some of the headings include:

  • A Leap Month!
  • Life at Ichinosawa
  • Bodhisattva Medicine King
  • Former, Middle and Latter Day of the Law
  • Doing time in the “When I” Prison
  • The teaching, the teacher and the mission
  • What did the priests do for 700 years?
  • The Soka Gakkai fullfills the Buddha’s Prophecy
  • Its time to create happiness

We have President Ikeda’s New Year’s message for 2009, read by Ken George. There are shoutouts and music from Ioda Promonet including “Balance” by Sara Tavares which you can buy here at iTunes Music Store

The second track we play tonight is by Cohen which is also availabe here!Gold Is Where You Find It (mp3)

We are proud members of the Ioda Alliance!

Thankyou for all your support and encouragement! Have a fantastic week.


  1. Dear Karen & Jason & family

    1st of all I would like to wish all of you and your listeners a very Happy New Year and a total victory year for developing Youth in everyone’s individual areas.

    I am from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, my home town is situated on the Northern Part of Borneo Island, the 3rd largest island in the world. The island of Borneo is about 6 degree North of the Equator. I have been practicing this wonderful law since 1997.

    I have been listening to you Podcast since beginning of 2007 when I accidentally stumble on this wonderful site. I have since learn so much and advance in understanding in my practice and sharing it with my members. I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you and your kind dedication in producing this program.

    I have came across one of your early talk about the 1st woman who was prosecuted during the Daishonin’s time, and would appreciate if you could point me to this particular gosho or article as I would like to learn more about it.

    Last but not least, keep up the good work and surely more people will be able to deepen their understand of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism through your tirelessly effort.

    My deepest appreciate and wishing you another successful year.

    Comment by Ruth Lim Kong — December 27, 2008 @ 5:05 am

  2. Dear Jarrett Family;

    My name is Corey Dragge and my wife, Jennifer, and I are new members of the SGI here in Las Vegas, Nevada USA.

    As I look back on my life it is easy to see how my life experiences have always led toward Nichiren Buddhism. It is much like that surprising moment at the end of a good book, when all the pieces, plot lines, and characters come together to reveal their true meaning and purpose. You find yourself saying “Oh my gosh, how could I have not seen that coming!” and ” That makes perfect sense! I get it now!”. Its the flick of a switch that illuminates the story but in my case, it illuminated my life.

    Because of Nichiren Buddhism, I see clearly now the path that led me to where I am today but more importantly, for the first time in my life, I see clearly the purpose of my life and the path I must take to achieve this purpose and to reach enlightenment.

    During a recent lively study group discussion a fellow member mentioned that he had listened to this amazing podcast called “A Buddhist Podcast”. He spoke so highly of it that when I returned home I downloaded 20 episodes to my ipod. I am officially hooked.

    Thank you so very much for putting together such a great show. Your lectures and explanations are very helpful to me as I try to learn and study the vastness of our philosophy. Sometimes I find it a bit overwhelming, the study that is, because there is simply so much to learn but your show helps me brake it down. It is so very helpful to hear your lectures and experiences. I am very grateful for your sharing.

    The occasional smoke alarm, child asking questions, knock on the door, or trip to the hospital actually make the show better, at least for me. It reminds me that you, though you have studied much longer then me, are just like me. We share the same hopes and dreams, we are share the problems, and we share the same search for enlightenment. These “distractions” personalize you thus making your teachings more real.

    Enjoy your tea, may you kick it off like a “house on fire” with everyone you meet, stay healthy, and thank you again. Please feel free to contact us if your travels should leave you in Las Vegas.

    Corey R. Dragge

    Comment by Corey Dragge — January 3, 2009 @ 7:43 am

  3. Hi guys,

    Thanks for the show, one more time you’ve exceeded expectation. As a suggestion perhaps you should think about selecting ” world” music a bit more often. I can tell from the shout outs that your audience really is international and I’m sure they’d love music to reflect this.

    Thanks again and happy new year !

    Comment by Eric Bageot — January 4, 2009 @ 11:59 pm

  4. Dear Jarrett’s,

    Great show to start the New Year with a Humf to it!!! Thank you!

    Regarding question on the audio Gosho, there is a version on the italian SGI site, but in italian I’m afraid.

    The link is:


    A smashing start to all of you!


    Comment by Paul Flint — January 5, 2009 @ 2:39 pm

  5. Hi.
    My name is Nelson, I’m originally from Lisbon Portugal and I live in Manchester England.
    I would like to say thank you very much for your podcast. It has changed my life in a very positive way and my perception of other people for the better. I used to think ‘the cup’ was always half emtpy. Now I see it is actually half full.
    Thank you very much for sharing your podcast with the world.

    Comment by Nelson — January 9, 2009 @ 4:42 am

  6. Dear Karen & Jason,

    I discovered your podcast shortly after I started practicing Nichiren Buddhism with SGI a few months ago. I really don’t have the words to express how grateful I am for the way you’re sharing your understanding of this amazing practice and life philosophy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!!

    Todd Ford
    Los Angeles, CA

    Comment by Todd Ford — January 27, 2009 @ 8:38 pm

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