Archive for June, 2009

June 21st, 2009

We can hardly believe that it is almost exactly half way through 2009! Wow! Tonight we bring you a lecture on the letter written by Nichiren Daishonin to the Lay Nun of Ueno. The letter is called, Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light. Some of the subject teasers for tonight include:

  • We need to reveal Buddhahood to overcome our karma
  • Lets try and remember the names of our mothers
  • The icy wind of thoughtless encouragement
  • The ten worlds exist in life and death
  • Giving 150% . . .in small bursts
  • Are you in a prison of someone elses making?
  • Changing circumstances won’t change karma
  • Attaining Buddhahood just as you are
  • It is human to feel grief when someone dies
  • Gohonzon is the baseline of Buddhahood
  • Chant first, shout later.

We have music for you from the Podsafe Music Network. First up is Carbon Leaf with A Life Less Ordinary. We close the show with Shines Right Through Me by the amazing Great Big Sea! The links we have for the tracks will take you through to where you can buy them on iTunes and the links for the names will take you through to their own website.

Karen and I are busy posting off orders for our new Tshirts! If you have yours and you send us a photograph of you wearing them, we will consider putting it on the artwork for the show (needs to be family friendly!) so send them in to us at jason(at)!

Thankyou for your comments and encouragement. Thank you for all the support you give us, we really do feel and appreciate it. Please take great care and have the most amazing and wonderful week.

June 7th, 2009

We are back on schedule tonight with the wonderful William Woollard reading Chapter 5, “What do we mean by happiness?”, from his book The Reluctant Buddhist which is now being reprinted and translated into more languages!

We have shoutouts and some great music. Tonight we play Rocket to the Moon by the wonderful Jimmy Golding and Day by Now is Now is on ITunes. Both artists are on the Podsafe Music Network.

We have some great new material to bring to you and we welcome your feedback, reviews, experiences and contributions. For those people who have been asking about a tshirt, you can get them here our thanks to Polly and Helen of Pressoffers for their help with this.

Thank you for your support and encouragement, we do appreciate it so much. Have a fantastic week!