A Buddhist Podcast – The Reluctant Buddhist – Chapter 9

December 12th, 2009
We are back with another show! Karen has gone to visit her parents in Switzerland, so our teenage daughter, Florence is standing in for her on tonights show. On this show we have the wonderful William Woollard talking about the oneness of self and environment from Chapter 9 of his excellent book, The Reluctant Buddhist.
We have music from Vittoria Conn who sings Where Would You Be, which is now available on ITunes! We also have the very talented Harley Loudon from London who sings a song dedicated to her daughter Ella and the Future Group of the UK, its called Teenagers!
We will have another episode coming out before Christmas, so keep your eyes peeled for it!
If you have a question, an experience or a shoutout that you would like to share with us, get in touch, we love hearing from you.
Thank you for all your birthday wishes and constant support, it means alot to all of us. Have a wonderful week!

We are back with another show! Karen has gone to visit her parents in Switzerland, so our teenage daughter, Florence is standing in for her on tonights show. On this show we have the wonderful William Woollard talking about the oneness of self and environment from Chapter 9 of his excellent book, The Reluctant Buddhist.

We have music from Vittoria Conn who sings Where Would You Be, which is now available on ITunes! We also have the very talented Harley Loudon from London who sings a song dedicated to her daughter Ella and the Future Group of the UK, its called Teenagers!

We will have another episode coming out before Christmas, so keep your eyes peeled for it!

If you have a question, an experience or a shoutout that you would like to share with us, get in touch, we love hearing from you.

Thank you for all your birthday wishes and constant support, it means alot to all of us. Have a wonderful week!


  1. Dear Florence, what a fantastic job you did! Thank you for our shoutout, too–it was a great surprise coming from you. Isn’t William’s latest chapter the bet one yet! We send our daimoku to Karen and her dad, so Karen can rejoin her children and husband at the earliest possible moment. Please make room as often as possible for Florence on the show. Wouldn’t it be lovely to get a group of her peers together to discuss some of President Ikeda’s guidance for youth.

    Comment by Donna — December 12, 2009 @ 1:16 am

  2. What a great show!

    Flo, I had to laugh when you said your Dad’s intro was “really cheesy!” Seriously, though, you did an amazing job, even on those hard-to-pronounce names during the Shoutouts. I was really impressed!

    Jason, I’m so glad you asked Florence to co-host. You must be so proud! And thank you so much for playing “Where Would You Be.”

    Loved Chapter 9. Ever since I read The Dancing Wu Li Masters years ago, I’ve been fascinated by the spiritual implications of quantum mechanics. Apologies to the quantum physicists who believe people make too much of these implications, but when one sees such obvious evidence of esho funi in day-to-day life, it’s difficult, when we read about the experiments, to deny this spiritual principle working at a subatomic level.

    Anyway, William’s book is wonderful, as is his reading of it.

    All love to the Jarretts, and I wish Karen’s father a speedy recovery.


    Comment by Vittoria — December 13, 2009 @ 6:10 am

  3. Well done you two!!, especially Florence, and a big thankyou to William…always inspiring, thankyou for another great show, Take Care


    PS Hope Karen and her father are doing well

    Comment by Malcolm Pallister — December 15, 2009 @ 7:48 pm

  4. Hi Jason & Florence.

    You were both wonderful a ‘new team’ in the making so Karen can get a break now and then. Like in Buddhism, opportunities and talents arise in our lives when we least expect them, well done Florence looking forward to some more of your Podcast skills.
    Wishing Karen’s father a good recovery and she’s back with the team asap.

    Yes Flo, dad’s intro was cheesy but he’s lovely as you know!

    William was great, what a wonderful Buddhist

    A Happy & White Christmas to you all!

    Thank you again, Christopher


    Comment by christopher. — December 19, 2009 @ 9:54 am

  5. Thanks for a wonderful show. Florence was great, you should feature her more often. I miss Karen’s voice though.

    Comment by Frank Ametefe, Ghana — December 22, 2009 @ 10:47 am

  6. thanks and victory in every prayer,every situation and happiness to everyone,
    *********COURAGE****************************************************PAULA COLE*******************************************************

    Comment by carla libertad — January 16, 2010 @ 11:43 pm

  7. It was great show.. Florence you did a excellent job.
    Missed hearing Karen. Hope her father is doing well..
    Thanks for shout out


    Comment by Vimala Mark — January 22, 2010 @ 4:01 am

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