Summer Celebration
Young lovers walking hand in hand
Their footsteps joined upon the sand
The red sunset they view with awe
And through it all the Mystic Law
Ducklings all swimming in a line
They dive so deep but come up fine
Into the sky their parents soar
And through it all the Mystic Law
From flower to flower fly busy bees
Fat and furry but fly with easy
Cute squirrels on their fir cones gnaw
And through it all the Mystic Law
Small children paddle in the sea
But run when waves reach to their knee
They love ice-cream and want some more
And through it all the Mystic Law
Seed pods exploding all around
To start new life within the ground
While roses produce hips and haws
And through it all the Mystic Law
Bright butterflies adorn the air
From flashing swifts they must beware
Poppies in corn fields we adore
And through it all the Mystic Law
The hares that love to box and fight
Strange birdsong that we hear at night
The baby deer we think we saw
And through it all the Mystic Law
The cold drinks that go down a treat
The deckchair gets us off our feet
Sunburn that makes us really sore
And through it all the Mystic Law
Strawberries and cream that we love so
Days by the river, nice and slow
As England score runs we all roar
And through it all the Mystic Law
The days draw in, leaves start to fall
As autumn comes to claim us all
The long hot days are here no more
And through it all the Mystic Law
Bob Kemp 25th July 2006