Archive for November 15th, 2009

November 15th, 2009
Welcome to another episode of A Buddhist Podcast. On tonights show we have a special guest, the wonderful Peter Morris! Peter talks about a fundamental aspect of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, the Gohonzon.
Karen reads an amazing experience from the lovely Erica Holding who lives in California!
We have great music as well! Tonight we have Howard Jones playing Love Never Wasted from his new album Ordinary Heroes. From the Podsafe Music Network we have Bobby Gentry singing Goldie Hawn. We also have, by special permission from the Lovespirals, their brand new track called Shine from their new album which drops this week, Future Past. You can get copies of the album signed by Ryan and Anji from their website and a free digital download.
Thank you so much for listening to the show and for your support, we never take it for granted and really do appreciate it.
Have a truly wonderful week!

Welcome to another episode of A Buddhist Podcast. On tonights show we have a special guest, the wonderful Peter Morris! Peter talks about a fundamental aspect of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, the Gohonzon. The podcast makes reference to a very useful diagram which you can access from here.

Karen reads an amazing experience from the lovely Erica Holding who lives in California!

We have great music as well! Tonight we have Howard Jones playing Love Never Wasted from his new album Ordinary Heroes. From the Podsafe Music Network we have Bob Gentry singing Goldie Hawn. We also have, by special permission from the Lovespirals, their brand new track called Shine from their new album which drops this week, Future Past. You can get copies of the album signed by Ryan and Anji from their website and a free digital download.

Thank you so much for listening to the show and for your support, we never take it for granted and really do appreciate it.

Have a truly wonderful week!