On the Offering of a Mud Pie Lecture

April 1st, 2012

Wow! This show was a challenge to bring you! In the first part of the show which we recorded last week we have William Woollard giving a lecture on Nichiren Daishonin’s writing called, On the Offering of a Mud Pie. Its a terrific lecture and we hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed recording it!
A good friend of the show sent us an email and Karen and Jason talk about their reactions and thoughts to it. During the editing, Jason wished he had said more about gratitude in his answer, but then that will be coming up in a lecture soon! Let us know what you think of this section, if its popular we might do some more!
We have music from the podsafe music network tonight. Firstly, we play David Ushers track, The Music, from his successful album Strange Birds. We close with a wonderful track from Adrina Thorpes album, Halflight and Shadows called Everything Changes.
Thank you for taking the time to download the show and listen. Have a fantastic week and take great care of yourselves.


  1. Jason and Karen,

    I can’t wait to hear this new podcast. I found Nichiren Buddhism through your website about 1 1/2 years ago. It has been tremendous.

    I was searching iTunes today and found some podcasts posted by SGI USA. They are really short, but they are lectures from President Ikeda. I’m downloading them tonight to start listening to. These could be another source for folks who like to listen in the car or the train on the way to work.

    If it’s ok, I’ll send you a review.

    It might be useful for SGI to contaminate them into longer segments…. but I don’t know the mechanism for doing that.

    Michele Lauria

    Comment by Michele Lauria — April 5, 2012 @ 3:51 am

  2. Hello hello hello! This is such a FUN podcast! It was so warm and chatty that I kept thinking I could just pop into the conversation with the 3 of you add add my two pence worth.

    Also, I love how William makes the understanding offerings so very accessible to Western sensibility.

    I hope you will continue chatting among the 3 of you for as long as geographically possible.

    Ta-ra to all of you. And thanks for the mention of what Flo is up to.


    Comment by Donna — April 9, 2012 @ 2:18 am

  3. I loved the lecture, both the gosho itself and William’s take on the study topic.
    But I got even more (in a completely different way!) from Jason and Karen’s discussion of the email they’d received following the lecture, because it hit many things I’m experiencing / have experienced in my life. I’ve only listened to the podcast once, but shall definitely be playing it several times again over the coming weeks.
    As ever – many thanks (to all three of you!) for all the inspiration!

    Comment by Dianne Flath — April 9, 2012 @ 7:30 pm

  4. Hi Jason And Karon,

    fantastic podcast. You guys have done so much here 🙂

    Quick question, could you email me the newletter mentioned – i think 8224 /so it happeneds that is missing in my email 🙁 / or a link?

    Thank you so much.

    Take care,

    Comment by Petra — April 12, 2012 @ 3:47 pm

  5. Hi Petra, thank you for your encouraging words! The newsletter you seek is on its way to you!

    Comment by jason — April 12, 2012 @ 5:31 pm

  6. Hi Jason and Karon,
    Thank you so much for all your great work- and William too! I found the lecture fantastic, really encouraging and I could feel the transmission entering deeply into my life- in particular the reference to engraving Nichiren’s guidance in my heart XXX I have shared your link with my District in the West of Ireland so we shall be tuning in next time! Also my friend was chanting this morning to find a Pod cast to support her in preparation for her District meeting ( on the East coast of Ireland)based on the offering of a mud pie- so, as the Mystic Law would have it- I just happened to call her and told her about your great work! She was thrilled and you guys are a direct answer to a Buddha’s prayers! Keep up the great work and from both East and West in Ireland we say Thank you for your great efforts XXXX Eileen.

    Comment by Eileen Kennedy — April 17, 2012 @ 2:16 pm

  7. Dear Jason & Karen, I am extremely grateful for all your hardwork in making the podcasts. Your podcasts helped me tremendously whenever I am weak in my daily Buddhist practice. I will engrave in my heart that ‘Faith, Practice and Study’ is always the key to maintaining faith. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Comment by ricky heng — May 19, 2012 @ 10:28 am

  8. Dear Jason and Karen,
    This lecture is so wonderful-and I loved the song as well:) I love listening to your podcasts when I am making a long drive to home visit or just going to work.
    Thank you so much!

    Comment by Vyjayanthi Raman — August 3, 2012 @ 8:13 pm

  9. Fabulous podcast. I’m a practitioner in the U.S. and it’s tremendously encouraging to be able to hear your voices, your accents and words. You have really touched my heart at a difficult time and I appreciate it. Thank you!

    Comment by Allan Saunders — October 3, 2012 @ 7:49 pm

  10. im loving this podcast eye opening profound.

    Comment by marc — October 14, 2012 @ 8:47 am

  11. Hello Jason and Karen,
    I want say thank you both for such great podcast on all these important Goshos and sensei’s guidance. They are a source of great encouragement and motivation for me in deepening my understanding and strengthening my faith.
    And the wonderful lectures by William too.
    My sincere appreciation and gratitude to all of you.
    James Ling.

    Comment by James Ling O. H. — March 17, 2013 @ 1:53 pm

  12. Thank you for creating this Podcast! I am expatriated to a country and culture very different from my own and where there is no access to SGI, so I find the information conveyed in your programs quite benefical to my understanding of the practice.



    Comment by Braden Rico — June 18, 2016 @ 2:31 am

  13. The discussion between Jason and Karen at the end of this Buddhist Podcast really reached my heart. I shared this episode with my sister, who introduced me to this practice 12 years ago, to encourage her. Boundless potential, 10,000 possibilities in each moment and blaming a weak practice is not the way forward are key points we both highlighted resonated with us!

    Comment by Delphine JB — August 28, 2019 @ 10:38 pm

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